Monday, January 10, 2011

Broken Fingers, Sequels and Giveaways

Like all authors, we love hearing from happy readers. We love it even more when the notes are funny. After all, we write comic novels!

So this just came in from Brianne, and we can’t help sharing.

Hi, I just finished reading "The Black Sheep" IN ONE DAY! I am basically starving to read of what happens between Mitch and Kendra! I mean, You cannot just let the book end that way, I suppose you could, but PLEASE Don't!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I would be absolutely excited if you wrote a sequel. I am so curious to see what happens between Maya and Kendra. PLEASE. I do not know how many times I can say please. Can you tell me any way to persuade you into writing a sequel, I will be on it!
Or unless you guys broke your hands, or some other tragic thing to where you cannot type or write.

Thank You(:

We had to tell Brianne a sad truth about publishing: authors don’t usually decide whether or not to write a sequel. Publishers make that decision based on a book’s sales. The more people who buy the book—or borrow it from the library—the more likely it is that authors will get to revisit a story. That’s the business side of writing.

So our advice to booklovers in general is to tell their friends about their favourites to spread the word. And our advice to Brianne in particular is to push Kendra and Mitch out of her mind for now and give our new book a try. Luckily all fingers are fully operational on Team Collins-Rideout, although we do have trouble keeping our hands warm, here in snowy Toronto.

Brianne has inspired us to give away a couple of copies of LOVE, INC. over on


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